McFly Fanfiction
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Rules for posting FanFics

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Rules for posting FanFics Empty Rules for posting FanFics

Post by Cherylxo Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:49 pm

1. State in header a suitable rating for your fic.

Ratings are as follows:
NR ; No Rating, If it doesn't need parental supervision
14+ ; If it needs parental supervision with minor profanity (bad words) & minor sexual tension
16+ ; medium profanity & sexual tension, violence
18+ - Graphic, descriptive sex scenes. Strong language and/or gory violence.

2. . WRITE IN PROPER GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION. Please, no 'u, ur, y, 2, r' slang! It makes it hard to read for everyone.

3. Plagiarism is illegal. Anyone caught plagiarizing someone will be banned unconditionally. If you notice anyone copying your or someone else’s work, please contact me about it.

4. Please include this at the very begining of your fanfic, in the first post.
[b]Title: [/b](Unless you are using a picture that has the title written on it.)
[b]Pairing: [/b](i.e. Danny/Douge for slash or Danny/female name)
[b]Summary: [/b](A simple discription of your plot)
[b]Disclaimer:[/b] (add in a simple disclaimer so you won’t get sued.)
[b]Author’s notes:[/b] (For anything else you wish to say).
Winner Takes It All
Winner Takes It All

Age : 36
Number of posts : 6071
Location : Scotland

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Rules for posting FanFics Empty Re: Rules for posting FanFics

Post by Cherylxo Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:17 am

Please use this form when posting your standalone.

[b]Guy:[/b] (name of mcfly guy goes here)
[b]Pairing:[/b] (for slash, state guys name, if not state female character name here)
[b]Rating:[/b] (please pick a rating from the "rules for posting fanfics" thread in the rules announcement board)
[b]Disclaimer:[/b] (add in a simple disclaimer so you won’t get sued.)
[b]Author's Notes/Dedications:[/b]

Your title should look like this:

Standalone Title [rating here] [slash pairing here]
Winner Takes It All
Winner Takes It All

Age : 36
Number of posts : 6071
Location : Scotland

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